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Sunday, April 2, 2017

10 Regretful Trump Supporters

1. The farmers who voted Trump and now fear losing the majority of their field hands

Farmers in California's Central Valley bet their livelihoods on the election of Donald J. Trump. The area is one of strongest bases of GOP support in the state. 

His message of reducing regulations and taxes appealed to the supporters in the area, but many felt his platform of cracking down on illegal immigrants was mostly lip service. With his immigration policies now taking shape, the same farmers are now deeply alarmed about what could happen to their workers, most of whom are unauthorized. 

Seventy percent of all farmworkers in the Central Valley are in the U.S. illegally, and Trump's immigration orders could reverberate throughout the valley's precarious economy, where agriculture is by far the largest industry. With 6.5 million people living in the valley, the fields bring in $35 billion a year and provide more of the nation's food than any other state.

While many still feel vindicated by the election, some have acknowledged that they rely on workers who provided false documents, and if the administration were to weed out illegal workers, their businesses would be crippled. (Source)

2. The GOP voter who lost her home to Trump's Treasury secretary
Trump voter Teena Colebrook initially believed the President would "drain the swamp" of moneyed elites from Washington once elected, but her heart dropped when he named his Treasury secretary—Steven Mnuchin. 

The bank formerly headed by Mnuchin, OneWest, had foreclosed on her Los Angeles-area home in the aftermath of the 2008 recession, stripping her of the two units she rented as a primary source of income.

Over the next five years, she tried unsuccessfully to adjust her loan with OneWest through the Treasury Department's Home Affordable Modification Program. The bank not only lost her paperwork but provided conflicting statements about ownership of the loan and fees and submitted charges that were unverified. This caused her loan balance to balloon, and by the time she lost her home in foreclosure in April 2015, the payoff balance totaled $517,662.

Colebrook is still challenging the foreclosure in court—and, needless to say, now regrets voting for Trump. "I just wish that I had not voted," she said. "I have no faith in our government anymore at all. They all promise you the world at the end of a stick and take it away once they get in." (Source)

3. The "Trump Troubadour" who feels betrayed by the President because of his stance on health care

In 2016, Kraig Moss sold his upstate New York business and left his home to follow Trump on the campaign trail. He sang pro-Trump tunes at nearly every rally, which earned him the moniker "Trump Troubadour." 

This year, however, he sings a different tune. 

He's soured on Trump because of the American Health Care Act (AHCA). It has since lost the support it needed to move forward, and the GOP is forced to go back to the drawing board. But the original legislation, which the president supported, would have resulted in dramatic cuts in addiction treatment services, which is where Moss draws the line—his son, Rob, died from a heroin overdose at 24. 

While on the campaign trail, Trump vowed to increase services for people facing addiction and Moss trusted that would be the case. He now says, "I did a lot to promote his candidacy. Now, I wish I had never sold my equipment." (Source)

4. The husband whose wife voted for Trump and now faces deportation
Helen Beristain supported Trump with the belief that a vote for him would help the economy and rid the U.S. of "bad hombres." Never did she think her law-abiding husband, Roberto Beristain, would be considered one. 

The successful businessman, respected member of his Indiana town, and the father of three American-born children now languishes in a detention facility as he awaits his deportation back to Mexico, the country he left in 1998. The 43-year-old has never broken the law and doesn't have so much as a parking ticket on his record. 

Two decades ago, Beristain visited an aunt in California and decided not to return to Mexico. He would go on to marry his wife, start a family and put down roots. He cooperated with immigration officials and was able to lead a normal life in plain view, one that included a work permit and a driver's license. He even has a Social Security number that says "Valid only with Department of Homeland Security authorization." In other words, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deemed him not bad enough to be deported. 

That's all changed with the advent of the Trump administration—ICE officials arrested Beristain when he showed up for his annual meeting with the agency. (Source)

5. The Trump-voting town that rallied behind a detained immigrant
Juan Carlos Hernandez Pacheco's detention led to an outcry from West Frankfort, Illinois residents and elected officials, a whopping 70% of which are supporters of President Trump. 

The undocumented immigrant was taken into custody over his two DUI convictions in 2007 (he's now sober). Under the previous administration, those misdemeanor offenses likely would not have gotten him picked up, but times have changed. His arrest pushed the the town and its residents into the center of the national immigration debate. The community rallied and raised money to bring their friend home in style to his family after nearly three weeks in detention. He's an undocumented immigrant they claim as one of their own. (Source)

6. The first time voter and Trump supporter who is appalled by the GOP's health care plan
The GOP's American Health Care Act (AHCA, or "Trumpcare") ultimately didn't have enough votes to quash the Affordable Care Act (ACA, or "Obamacare"), but it would have left many Americans worse off than they currently are. Even Trump's own supporters started feeling duped by his false promises to replace “Obamacare” with something better. 

Martha Brawley, 55, voted for the very first time in her life for Trump and now regrets it. She believed he would bring down the cost of health care, but was left unimpressed by “Trumpcare.” Under that plan she would have received a mere $3,500 tax credit to buy insurance, as opposed to the $8,688 federal subsidy she currently receives under Obamacare. 

She's safe for now, but what of her future? Republicans are already back at it, stating they have not abandoned their desire to repeal and replace Obamacare, even after their bill was yanked from the House floor. Stay tuned. (Source)

7. The Twitter feed that collects Trump voters' regrets
A Twitter account called Trump Regrets is documenting the tweets of people who said they voted for Trump and now wish they hadn't. Prepare to feel a confluence of emotions. (SOURCE)

8. The former Trump supporter who is going viral on Twitter

The Guardian's Washington correspondent, David Smith, took this photo of a man following a Trump rally in March 2017 in Nashville Tennessee, during which he vowed to challenge the travel ban block at the Supreme Court, should he need to. It has since gone viral for obvious reasons. (Source)

9. The Trump supporters who are suing the government over deportation
Two Allentown, Pennsylvania residents and Trump voters, Ghassan and Sarmad Assali, have worked since 2003 to bring over Ghassan's brothers, their wives and two children. The family members, who are Christian immigrants from Damascus, had approved visas.

Trump signed an executive order restricting travel from seven Muslim countries in January 2017 (later amended to six). When the families landed in Philadelphia International Airport, they were blocked and sent back to Qatar.

Assali called the order "unAmerican" and is now suing the Trump administration. "How they sent them back so quickly was heart-breaking," she said, adding that her younger brother-in-law became sick on the 18-hour flight back to Qatar. (Source)

10. The Trump voter who is shocked that a program she uses will be cut
The Meals On Wheels program delivers meals to the elderly and others who may be homebound. It's considered a critical lifeline for millions of seniors, veterans and the disabled. Trump's proposed budget cuts are now putting the 43-year-old program at risk.

56-year-old Linda Preast is a Trump voter. She signed up for Meals On Wheels after a stroke left her in a wheelchair. Food is delivered to her every weekday, but now, with the future of the program in question, Preast is simply stunned by the administration's decision to cut it, saying, "I was under the influence that he was going to help us.” (Source)


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