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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Little Girl Raids Piggy Bank to Make Parents' Dream Night Come True

A ten-year-old girl did something lovely for her mum and dad. Year five pupil Chelsy-Lee Ordonez De Cross raided her piggy bank for her parents so they could go on a date.
Mum Marci said her daughter's actions brought her to tears (Photo: Marci Ordonez)
Chelsy-Lee had $82 in her savings, and she gifted the entirety to her folks for dinner and a movie. She funded a whole date night.

Moments before, Chelsy-Lee's parents had been talking about a night out, reported. Presumably, money was tight, and they were unable to spend some cash on a romantic evening.

But their daughter stepped in. She wrote in a letter:
$82 is quite a lot of money for a ten-year-old (Photo: Marci Ordonez)
"Dear mum and dad, here is some money for a date night.

"It should cover a movie, dinner, and maybe extras.

"P.S. You could watch the scary movie for the trailer we just watched.

"Love Chelsy-Lee."

Mum Marci Ordonez, 31, said she was overwhelmed with emotion after her little girl surprised her with the gesture.

"I poured it out on the couch and almost immediately started bawling," said Marci.

"There are no words - I was just completely overwhelmed with her generosity and very proud that she can be so selfless.

"Chelsy-Lee is a gorgeous soul that acts in ways that are often beyond her years."
Marci and her husband were able to go out for dinner thanks to their little girl (Photo: Marci Ordonez)
Marci said Chelsy-Lee has always had a carefree and generous spirit. And she said how she's raised her has had an impact.

Marci said: "We give her that autonomy because she's a person and she can make these choices and understands there are repercussions."

Chelsy-Lee is quite the trooper, in fact. She doesn't have a bedtime, volunteers in workshops for children with disabilities, feeds the homeless in her free time, and helps the Children Hospital deliver gifts.

The youngster also started a fundraiser to help raise money for St Lucy's, a school for people with learning difficulties on Sydney's North Shore.
We think Chelsy-Lee deserves a reward in return.


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