These discoveries are usually either confiscated, destroyed or denied by governments, militaries and other state agencies. Often seemingly to try to hide the truth of these discoveries from the public. Below are some of the most intriguing classified discoveries ever found:
This mysterious sarcophagus and an interred woman were discovered in a Russian coal mine close to the mining village of Rzhavchik Tisulskago in 1969. The casket, found at a depth of around 70 meters, was marble in appearance and didn't appear to have any markings or signs of aging on its surface.
The casket was filled with pink-blue liquid and inside was a young woman aged around 30 who appeared to be sleeping or in some suspended animation. The casket was dated by a professor who investigated the discovery to be 800 million years old. The find was quickly confiscated by the military and never seen by the public again.
A video documentary on the Tikalsky Princess:
As the excavation of the chamber progressed remains of an ancient city were discovered, the precise age of which is still being disputed. King Annunaki is also alleged to have descended from the Sumerians, who some believe were in contact with extraterrestrials during their reign.
King Anunnaki documentary:
The recently unearthed final resting place of Queen Nefertiti is another discovery that contradicts what most archaeologists tend to believe.
Discovered not in Egypt where she and her husband Akhenaten ruled but in Turkey, and dated at 10,000BC, the finding could support the theory that she and a handful of followers were driven from her homeland shortly before her death.
The tomb and treasures contained within dating back 10,000 years also put her lifetime roughly 9000 yeards before when she was conventionally believed to have lived. Some of the artifacts buried with her are also alleged to have been Atlantian in nature, suggesting a cross over between the two cultures in the distant past.
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