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Sunday, April 9, 2017

Gym Users Admit Their Grimmest Workout Habits

When you hit the gym you want to be focused on your goal, not the cleanliness of the place.
Naturally gyms sell themselves as being clean environments, and users are always actively encouraged to clean up after themselves – but given some of these admissions, wiping down a bench may well become the least of your concerns.

A survey conducted by Supplement Centre gave fitness fans the chance to be honest about their habits, and you will never look at those around in the gym the same way again…

Let’s start with the obvious, farting in the gym – or cropdusting as the habit is also known.

I’m not sure whether it is the conviction that you’ll probably get away with it or if people just don’t care, but over 90 per cent of those surveyed admitted to breaking wind in the gym.

That probably comes as little surprise, it’s just basic physiology, but when you compare it to the fact 89.1% of people say they never burp in the gym – clearly the odds of staying anonymous is playing a role…

And if you thought people letting out a sly fart was the worst you had to fear, guess again.

According to Supplement Centre, over 60 per cent of the gym-goers questioned said they had gone to the toilet while working out.

35.8 per cent said they’ve had a wee, and 26.4 per cent said they had a shit – call it semantics, but the question was ‘WHILE’ working out – all we can do is hope and pray that they stepped away from the main floor to do the deed…

And it isn’t just bodily fluids that are a potential issue, a lot of users admitted to the habits of their wandering eyes…

49.7 per cent revealed they do check out other’s bodies in the changing room, 55.4 per cent said they have been aroused by fellow visitors, and 7.8 per cent said they had either masturbated in the gym or ‘knew someone who had’ – nice.

Incredibly 11.2 per cent of people confessed to deliberately doing something nasty to someone else in the gym – so shout out to the 88.8 per cent of people who aren’t bastards on purpose.

Dan Gee from Supplement Centre said of the revelations:

We did the survey as we feel that fitness isn’t portrayed right in the media. Most brands will have you think it’s all very clean, and loads of makeup, and we think this survey has pretty much told us that the opposite is true instead. 
For instance, more than three quarters of people have admitted to going to the gym in dirty clothes!


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