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Sunday, April 16, 2017

FBI Arrested Doctor for Female Genital Mutilation of Girls Across US Midwest

A doctor in Michigan is charged with cutting the genitals of many young girls, working out of her office in Livonia Michigan. As young girls scream in pain, their families tell them the procedures, now illegal under a new federal law, are performed “to get the germs out.” Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) refers to the removal of parts of the victim’s vulva, with extreme cases involving “Infibulation,” where the victim’s external genitalia are completely sewn closed. While FGM is a frequent occurrence in Islamic parts of the world, it has a particularly high occurrence in Africa. 

On Thursday, the FBI arrested Dr. Jumana Nagarwala and charged her with multiple counts of female genital mutilation (FGM) against young girls aged six to eight years old. The mutilations were performed in her office, located in Livonia, Michigan.

One victim states that she screamed from the pain of being cut and afterward was barely able to walk. She was told by per parents not to tell anyone what occurred. 

The arrest of Dr. Nagarwala is the first prosecution of FGM in the United States, resulting from a new law targeting FGM, according to a Department of Justice press release. In the 11-page complaint which accompanied Dr. Nagarwala’s arrest, mention of “members of a particular religious and cultural community” are made. 

Dr. Nagarwala works in the emergency room of Detroit’s Henry Ford Hospital. Detroit is home to the largest population of Somali immigrants in America, a group among whom FGM is prevalent. The complaint against Dr. Nagarwala charges her with the genital mutilation of the daughters of two separate families, which allegedly occurred at her office in Livonia, Michigan. Many other girls in the community allege that Dr. Nagarwala mutilated their genitals, in occurrences going as far back as 2005-2007, before the new federal law.

The Department of Justice has issued several statements concerning the prosecution of this type of crime stating their commitment to stopping FGM in the United States. 


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