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Sunday, April 2, 2017

Engineer Makes Ham And Cheese Sandwich That Looks Like Vin Diesel

This celebrity sandwich sculpture really cuts the mustard.

It should: It’s a ham and cheese sandwich that looks amazingly like actor Vin Diesel.

The intricately carved deli-cacy is the work of William Osman, a mechanical/electrical engineer in Ventura, California.

Osman’s speciality is posting YouTube videos that he describes as having “dubious quality, questionable integrity and unethical delivery.”

Naturally, a guy with those attributes couldn’t turn down a challenge from a viewer who wanted him to make a Vin Diesel deli sandwich “using laser-cut cross sections of laser-cut ham.”

Osman used a computer program to create a model of Diesel’s upper torso. He then used the laser to cut layers and layers of the cheapest supermarket ham he could buy.

Those layers were then assembled into Vin Diesel’s likeness.
The model of Diesel’s upper torso seems extra busty, but the face definitely resembles the star of “The Fast And Furious” franchise. 

Here’s a closer look. By the way, the eyes aren’t edible.

As celebrity sandwiches go, Osman’s creation looks pretty good. However, in the video he seems afraid that Diesel is going to chew him out.

“If Vin Diesel ever sees this, I’m sorry,” he says at one point. Later on, he adds, “This is one of the worst things I have ever done, like, in my life.”

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