Ancient Carvings from 10,950BC Confirm Comet Hit Earth and Triggered Mini Ice Age
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8:26 AM
Ancient Carvings from 10
Ancient carving depicts the exact moment that a comet struck the Earth and changed the course of human history.
Researchers from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland have made a fascinating discovery while investigating the intricate carvings of an ancient stone pillar which was discovered in southern Turkey. According to the researchers, the pillar appears to confirm that a comet struck the Earth at the exact moment that a mini-Ice Age that would change the course of human civilisation began.

For decades many scientists have been of the opinion that a catastrophic comet impact with the planet Earth sparked the sudden fall of temperature across the entire planet which characterised the period known as the Younger Dryas which brought about the complete extinction of the woolly mammoths and changed the course of human history. Recently, the idea that a comet caused the sudden climate change has come under criticism from scientists who found that the dating the meteor craters in North America where it is believed that the comet struck didn’t match up with the beginning of the Younger Dryas period. However, this stone pillar suggests that the theory may have been right all along.
The stone pillar in question is referred to as the vulture stone. It was carved around 11,000 BC and formed part of a many pillared structure at the temple at Gobekli Tepe in southern Turkey. According to Martin Sweetman, who has been working on the research project, Gobekli Tepe is probably the world’s most ancient temple site and predates Stonehenge by an astonishing 6000 years. As well as being a place of worship, Sweetman says, it appears that the temple also acted as observatory and the stone masons carved images of the night’s sky at particular moments in history onto the intricate pillars that formed part of the site. It appears as though the vulture stone was used to depict the moment in history when the comet loomed large in the night’s sky before striking the Earth and generating the mini-Ice Age.
Analysts decided to put the theory that the vulture stone depicted the triggering moment of the Younger Dryas period by using a computer programme to show how the constellations would have appeared above Turkey at the time of the carving. They found that the carving perfectly depicted the positions of both the constellations and the comet as it would have appeared in 10,950 BC.

Historians and scientists alike will be sure to pour over this important new information about the commencement of the Younger Dryas period which is considered to be one of the most important moments in human history. Before the comet strike, the Earth was covered in lush regions of wild wheat and barley which meant that there was no need for human beings to cultivate agricultural sites. Following the impact and the beginning of the mini-Ice Age, humans had to group together in order to manage and develop crops through watering and selective breeding. The prehistoric agricultural revolution that emerged from this crisis led to the formation of towns and established settlements which would lay down the foundations for the emergence of human society as it is understood today.
SOURCE: DiscloseTV
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