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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Simple Steps On How To Recondition Your Dead Battery

A lot of people think battery reconditioning is hard however I know it’s incredibly simple. I have done it hundreds of time before, in fact it’s what I do for a living. Anybody can recondition batteries, you just need to know the techniques. For other method on how to recondition your battery, click here

Whether you have a dead laptop battery, car battery or just about any other commonly used battery I can show you how to easily bring it back to life. 

Today, you’re going to see step-by-step how to recondition your dead battery.

Reconditioning is easy enough to do.
1. Remove the battery from the cart or take it out of storage.

2. Drain the battery and then replace its fluid with a mixture of distilled water and about 15 percent of Epsom salts.

3. Charge the battery as described above.

4. Test the battery after charging and take note that you may have to charge it again in order to bring it to full capacity.

While golf cart battery reconditioning can restore your battery’s life, it can only work as long as the battery’s lead plates are still in working condition.

Most importantly, be sure to always use protective gloves and eyewear whenever you are charging or reconditioning a battery.

Reconditioning batteries can save you thousands of dollars. I actually recondition golf cart batteries as a side business (and it’s quite profitable).

If the above steps does not help you in reconditioning your battery, then you need to read this very valuable ebook on how to recondition your dead battery.

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