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Saturday, April 1, 2017

This Bust of Cristiano Ronaldo Will Haunt Your Nightmares

Cristiano Ronaldo: You either love him or you hate him. It's pretty easy to do both—he's arrogant on the pitch but, hey, at least he can back it up; he's an underwear model but also an active philanthropist (as well as the world's best athlete, according to Men's Health). One thing is for sure, though, and it's that his home country of Portugal loves him. So, when his Portuguese home island, Madeira, decided to name an airport after him, it didn't really come as much of a surprise. Again, you either love him or you hate him. But, according to an article published in The Daily Mail, they also presented a bust of Ronaldo's head at the unveiling ceremony. At least we are pretty sure it's him.

As you can see, there's one problem with this bust: It doesn't really look like Cristiano Ronaldo.

This is unfortunate. Madeira obviously loves this guy, but someone was apparently not all that critical of the bronze before it's big debut. The only similarities that can actually be drawn is that they nailed his signature hair, which should have been simple to do anyway, because it's pretty obvious Ronaldo's hair is made out of obsidian and was probably really easy to get a mold from.

It's difficult to put a finger on where exactly the statue went wrong, because most of it is just...wrong. It's actually terrifying to make eye contact with.

For all the Ronaldo haters out there, here you go. Enjoy that sweet, sweet taste of vindication you've been waiting years for. At least Messi's statue looked like him. But you also have to admit, the guy handled it with a certain amount of grace that should be admired. While the creepy clown statue loomed in the background, resurfacing childhood nightmares all around the world, Ronaldo was all smiles and words of appreciation.


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