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Sunday, April 2, 2017

Krispy Kreme Is Changing Its Name Because Brits Can’t Pronounce It Correctly

The legendary doughnut maker Krispy Kreme are changing their name in the UK because British people can’t get their heads around the pronunciation.
Image: Getty

After 14 years of flourishing sales on our little island, the issue of pronunciation is causing confusions for the brand when it comes to people tagging it on social media.

From today, shops in the UK will be known as Krispy Cream so that there is no confusion for us Brits when we want to show off our doughnuts (not donuts) on Instagram.

Since 2015, there have been over 30,000 independent tagged posts on social media where people have spelled Krispy Kreme incorrectly.

After ‘much consideration’, the company has re-branded in the UK and are splitting their marketing from its US counterpart.

Charlotte Roberts, Head of Marketing said:

The company re-brand is a strategic decision made in acknowledgement that our UK customers have struggled with the pronunciation of ‘Kreme’ (said ‘cream’) since our launch into the UK in 2003. 
We hope that the re-brand will settle any confusion as to both the pronunciation and spelling of the name for our customers. 
We want to reassure our loyal fans that the quality of our doughnuts will remain of the highest standard and in line with original recipe that our founder Vernon Rudolph made famous almost 80 years ago.

The classic logo will remain the same but they will say Krispy Cream on new stores with immediate effect.
Image: Getty
The first store to be updated with the new name was Shannon Corner in South London, and the new name will be rolled out across its other 90 stores soon.

Thank god they’ve sorted that confusion out, the ‘K’ has really been throwing me off.


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