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Friday, March 24, 2017

(Graphic) Video Footage May Prove That Animals Know When They’re Next in Line to Die

Society seems to think that humans are superior to animals, putting them higher on the totem poll. We tend to create this hierarchy in our heads, perceiving ourselves as more important than the rest of the animal kingdom. However, it’s been proven that numerous animals can feel emotions, regardless of their size; even fish can feel pain and are sensitive by nature!

In fact, some animals are known to be able to perceive death and understand what that means on a grander scale. Some animals grieve and mourn their dead companions, while others avoid their bones, and some even perform “death rituals,” similar to how we’d hold a wake or funeral.

These Videos Show Animals Running Away From Their Deaths

You’ve probably heard numerous stories about animals on their way to slaughterhouses jumping out of moving vehicles, or similar stories of animals escaping directly prior to their expected deaths. Likewise, you may have heard stories of human beings being able to instinctively tell they’re in danger and avoid their deaths as a result of their intuition.

This begs the question: Can animals, or even humans for that matter, instinctively tell when they’re next in line to die? Given the number of reported instances of animals escaping their premeditated slaughter, whether these beings are conscious of it or not, there’s clearly something more going on here.

Whether you eat meat or not, whenever you see an animal darting through the streets or fields, running away from their captors, you’re likely rooting for them. You’re cheering on that animal because you know it’s fate, it was destined to die prior to its escape; but, does the animal know that too? These videos may have you pondering this very question.

For example, a cow escaped just over a year ago from a slaughterhouse in Queens, New York. It was roaming the streets for an hour until it was finally captured again. His escape was executed the day before his anticipated death.

After a truck carrying 10 bulls to a slaughterhouse overturned on the road, two bulls managed to escape and one of them ran into a local supermarket seeking shelter and safety. The bull didn’t harm anyone; it only knocked over a few items at the store in dismay. Sadly, police shot the bull to death, despite the fact that it didn’t necessarily pose a threat to anyone.

Another animal escaped from a slaughterhouse in Queens, New York, last month, but this time it was a bull. The bull was eventually captured and returned. In the video below, one woman even laughed, suggesting that perhaps it was a sign from the universe that she should become a vegetarian.

There are countless other examples of animals running away from their deaths, and I’m sure you’ve heard of other examples near you!

Are These Animals Escaping Because They Knew They Were Going to Die?

It’s difficult to say whether or not these animals are intuitively understanding that they’re en route to their deaths; however, I believe they are clearly responding to a change in their daily routine, which is stressful for any animal. When we’re around death or in high stress situations, we are able to pick up on lower vibrational energies, so why wouldn’t animals feel that, too?

When they’re on the way to their deaths, they’re also often mistreated and forced to endure highly aggravating situations. For example, when pigs are transported to slaughterhouses, they are often crammed so tightly into transport trucks that their guts literally squeeze out of them. A former pig transporter explained that the pigs are “packed in so tight, their guts actually pop out their butts—a little softball of guts actually comes out.”

It’s proven that animals can sense fear and feel pain. That, in combination with a rapid change in daily activities (and in many cases added torture), is enough for anyone to be sent over the edge. So, are these animals simply reacting to fear, or are they truly aware that they’re about to die, causing them to panic and try to escape?

Many animals can clearly comprehend death, whether it’s regarding their own species or another. For example, Dr. Bonnie Beaver, a professor at Texas A&M University’s College of Veterinary Medicine and Executive Director of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, explains, “Dogs know to comfort people by sniffing out some cancers, such as on the breath of a lung cancer patient.”

Numerous animals also grieve and mourn the loss of their kind, and others will even perform what we consider “death rituals.” Elephants often linger over the bones of their kind, in some cases even for multiple days, according to one study, crows and ravens will gather around the dead but won’t touch them, and orcas and dolphins will bring dead calves to the surface of the sea in a last-ditch effort to save them.

Chimpanzees also perform elaborate death rituals, as they will continue to groom the bodies of their dead infants in order to delay the inevitable decay. For mothers mourning their dead infants, this process will sometimes be ongoing for a few months at a time, up until the infant’s body is no longer recognizable to the mother chimp.

In 2012, some of the world’s most prominent scientists who study this subject published the “Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness in Non-Human Animals.” They came to the conclusion that animals actually experience moment-to-moment awareness and consciousness in the same way that humans do.

The main difference between our brains and those of other animals is found in the frontal cortex, which allows humans to think, plan, and reflect; other than that, animals’ brains function similarly to our own. Animals have the ability to care for one another and experience love and affection, as they become distressed if their companions are in danger or upset and show signs of grief when mourning a loss.

Animals are still a part of the collective, and thus we share consciousness with them. In many ways, the animal kingdom is a reflection of ourselves. So, if we are aware that these animals are going to die, especially if we are distressed about killing them, does that not mean that animals can tap into that and intuitively feel that their death is approaching, too?


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