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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Doctors Remove Mushrooms Measuring 7cm from Woman's Stomach After They Began Growing Inside Her

Doctors shared gruesome footage of the fungi lodged in the woman's gut - some of which had grown to up to 7cm long.
(Photo: AsiaWire)
A woman had to have mushrooms removed from her stomach by surgeons after they began to grow inside her.

Doctors shared gruesome footage of the fungi lodged in the 50-year-old woman's gut - some of which had grown to up to 7cm long.

The mushrooms became stuck in the woman's stomach as she often reportedly cooked dry mushrooms directly without soaking them and didn't chew them properly.

She went to hospital after suffering from stomach ache and doctors found that the mushrooms had expanded in her stomach and got stuck.

The woman underwent surgery to remove the mushrooms and they were safely taken out her stomach.

Earlier this month a man was rushed to hospital in Guangzhou, southern China , after putting two live pond loaches into his anus.

He was taken into intensive care after one of the fish swam up into his intenstines.

The unnamed 45-year-old man, who was drunk at the time of insertion, was rushed into the ward with signs of a high temperature, low blood pressure and severe stomach pain.

According to reports, the man admitted to voluntarily putting two pond loaches into his anus when he was heavily under the influence of alcohol.

Doctors managed to successfully remove the fish.
One had broken through the bowel wall, which was causing the patient the severe abdominal pain.


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