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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

When She Felt Like She Had Nothing Left, These Men Did The Sweetest Thing

If you've ever completed a marathon or half-marathon, you've probably felt that sudden dread when your legs just stop working.
Unfortunately for many, this tends to happen when the finish line isn't far away. One woman had almost made it at the Philadelphia Love Run Half-Marathon when her legs started giving out. She was trying her hardest to walk the last stretch, but it was clear that she was hurting too much to go any farther. That's when two kind runners decided to give up shorter finish times to help her cross that line.
A third man did the most amazing thing when she couldn't take another step.

They may not have finished in first place, but they sure deserve a medal for jumping in so quickly to help! Share this heartwarming video with others if it made your day!


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