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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Crop Circle Mystery: Did Aliens Land in Argentina?

The latest in crop circle phenomena hits a small sleepy Argentine town.

Residents in Carmen de Areco woke up on March 13 to find three identical crop circles had appeared overnight in a local airfield, next to Highway 7.

Carmen de Areco, is a Partido of Buenos Aires Province in Argentina, and is located some 140 km (87 mi) from Buenos Aires and has a population of approximately 12,000 inhabitants.

Overnight Crop Circles Mystify Small Argentian Town Residents

As can be seen in the photograph and in the video, the vehicle on the highway gives an indication of the size of the circles.

Local residents are now wondering whether they have witnessed extraterrestrial beings at work.

Many theorists now believe that this latest in a long line of unexplained crop circles could well be down to the work of alien involvement.

The circles all possess the same circumference, and the grass is yellowed and dried, while the grass on either side of the circles is green and healthy. 

It is being speculated that alien spacecraft could well have scorched the grass on either landing or takeoff.

Irrespective of alien involvement here, certainly it would appear that an energy source of some kind has to be for the three circle markings.

Local Mayor Marcelo Skanski told reporters that he had summoned experts from the UFO Study Commission of the Argentine Republic to investigate. The experts are led by Andrea Pérez Simondini from CEFORA, which is dedicated to investigate and declassify aerial phenomena.

Skanski said the experts were intrigued by the uniformity and precision of the circles and as a consequence were not ruling out an alien element.

The investigators took grass samples for further analysis and investigation by the Agronomy department of the University of Buenos Aires.

Only time will tell if alien life forms have visited us here on earth in Argentina.


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