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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Creepy Face Caught Peering out of Empty Car

A car enthusiast got quite a surprise when he reviewed a recent photograph he'd taken of his vehicle. The peculiar image, which was recently shared on our discussion forum by user 'XSAS_Daughter', shows what looks like a strange face peering out from the car's front passenger window.

"My friend was recently looking back through his camera roll and found this photo that he took off his and his friend's car," she wrote.

"He was sat in the restaurant across the road and was taking a photograph of his car because it was new and he's a typical boy that loves his car."

"He realized there appeared to be a person in the car, which was completely empty at the time."

"I said it looked like somebody was leaning on his car and he said there definitely wasn't anybody because he would have kicked off haha!"

"Anyway, just thought I'd share because even if it is nothing, it looked pretty creepy to us!"


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