1. Duke, Mayor of Cormorant, Minnesota
He must be doing something right! Duke, a 9-year-old Great Pyrenees, has been...
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Saturday, May 6, 2017
Elderly Dog, Dropped off at Shelter in a Garbage Bag, Learns to Love Again
Last week, Blackie's family wrapped their bleeding dog in a garbage bag, placed the bagged pet in a cardboard box, and...
14 Heartwarming Stories That Prove There’s Nothing in the World Like the Mother-Daughter Bond
A new chapter
“Goodbye,” she sang cheerily, skipping off to her new dorm after giving me...
Pinky-Sized Marine Animal Breaks Record for Ocean Filtration
A small marine creature just broke the world record for ocean filtration and is a newly named champion in the fight against...
9 Most Deadly Lightning Strikes
1. 323 reindeer killed in Norway
Lightning killed More than 300 wild reindeer in central Norway in August 2016. The Norwegian...
Warning: These Everyday Habits Seriously Up Your Dementia Risk!
The biggest dementia risk factors—age and family history—can't be changed, but scientists have identified others that can...
Sweet, Sweet Syria: Refugee Mom Finds Support, Success in Cookie-Baking Business
It's a sweet success story: a refugee family finds a safe place and a supportive community in the U.S. and a Syrian woman...
10 Weird But Awesome Necklaces
1. Dragon Necklace
My favorite GoT character is Daenerys Targaryen, badass queen, and owner of a amazing dragon necklace....
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